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The Cosa Group

Cosa Group Annual BBQ, Summer 2023. On the back, left to right: Denys Holovan, Andy Shin, Oleksii Hurzhii, Sandra Simard, Julia McCain, Gonzalo Cosa, Alexander Al-Feghali, Jorge Ramos Sanchez, Anthony Van Kessel, and Aya Sakaya.
Front, left to right: Laiyi Xu, Andres Durantini, Sol Martinez, Terri Lovell, Paty Islas, Kevin Zhang, Florencia Fungo, Cynthia Li, and Heidi Dewling

Principal Investigator

Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

Group Alumni

Graduate Students

Wenzhou (Kevin) Zhang, Ph.D.
09/2016 - 12/2023
Thesis Title: Instigating and Investigating Cellular Chemistry via Fluorescence Microscopy

Anthony Van Kessel, Ph.D.
09/2017 - 11/2023
Thesis Title: Evaluating lipid-derived electrophile detoxification in ferroptosis using fluorescence microscopy

Julia McCain, Ph.D.
09/2016 - 10/2023
Thesis Title: Visualizing and exacerbating reactive oxygen species in live cells with activatable fluorophores and photosensitizers: Synthesis, mechanistic studies and theragnostic applications

Aya Sakaya, Ph.D.
09/2016 - 08/2023
Thesis Title: Fluorescence imaging methodologies towards the study of charge transfer processes and ensuing dynamics in model lipid membranesPDF Download
Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University

Casey Platnich, Ph.D.
09/2015 - 07/2021
Thesis Title: Single-molecule fluorescence methods for DNA nanostructure assembly and actuationPDF Download
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Cambridge, UK.

Yasser Gidi, Ph.D.
09/2013 - 02/2020
Thesis Title: Mechanisms in single molecule fluorescence imaging: from photophysics to biological applications PDF Download
Currently: Research enigineer at Stanford University, USA.

Richard Lincoln, Ph.D.
09/2011 - 04/2019
Thesis Title: Lighting and enlightening the Chemistry of the cell with Chemoselective BODIPY Dyes PDF Download
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany.

Viktorija Glembockytė, Ph.D.
09/2011 - 08/2017
Thesis Title: Photoprotection of Fluorophores Used for Single-Molecule Imaging: A Battle for More Photons PDF Download
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow at LMU Munich, Germany.

Lana Greene, Ph.D.
09/2010 - 08/2017
Thesis Title: Development of fluorogenic probes for reaction screening: from design and synthesis, to reactivity and live cell imaging PDF Download
Currently: Scientist at Alentic Microscience Inc.

Christina Calver, Ph.D.
01/2011 - 06/2017
Thesis Title: Conjugated polyelectrolytes and lipid membranes: from exciton transport to membrane dynamics PDF Download
Currently: Formulation Chemist at Eco Care Technologies Inc.

Amani Hariri, Ph.D.
01/2010 - 06/2016
Thesis Title: Advancing DNA nanotechnology using single molecule fluorescence methodologies PDF Download
Currently: Assistant Professor at The University of British Columbia. Canada.

Mei-Ni Belzile, M.Sc.
09/2014 - 08/2016
Thesis Title: Development and Synthesis of Novel BODIPY Probes to Study Electron Transfer and Redox Processes PDF Download
Currently: Internal Medicine Resident at University of Toronto. Canada

Robert Godin, Ph.D.
09/2009 - 08/2015
Thesis Title: Visualizing and controlling redox processes at the single molecule/particle level PDF Download
Currently: Assistant Professor at The University of British Columbia, Canada.

John Hardwick, M.Sc.
06/2014 - 12/2014
Thesis Title: Ni2+ as a photostabilising agent for single-molecule photobleaching studies of stepwise-assembled DNA nanotubes
Currently: Ph.D. student at University of Oxford, UK.

Ryan Marko, M.Sc.
01/2011 - 06/2013
Thesis Title: Single molecule fluorescence studies on HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/nucleic acid interactions PDF Download

Katerina Krumova, Ph.D.
09/2006 - 10/2012
Thesis Title: Development of novel fluorogenic antioxidants for imaging reactive oxygen species in live cells PDF Download
Currently: Director, Drug Delivery at Laronde Inc. Boston, USA.

Pierre Karam, Ph.D.
09/2006 - 06/2011
Thesis Title: Structure and Dynamics of Supramolecular Systems one Molecule/Particle at a Time PDF Download
Currently: Associate Professor at American University of Beirut, Lebanon.

An Thien Ngo, Ph.D.
01/2005 - 08/2010
Thesis Title: Tuning the electronic properties of light-harvesting conjugated polyelectrolytes via complexation with lipid vesicles and/or silica beads
Currently: Policy Analyst at Environment Canada

Paul Oleynik, M.Sc.
09/2005 - 08/2007
Thesis Title: Design, synthesis, and characterization of new fluorescent probes for in vivo redox visualization
Currently: Research Assistant at the Ottawa Eye Institute, and Professor at Algonquin College.


Sol Martinez, Ph.D.
09/2019 - 03/2020
12/2022 - 08/2023

Katarzyna Jodko-Piórecka, Ph.D.
06/2018 - 06/2020
Currently: Head of the Sustainable Economy and Energy Research Group. Łukasiewicz - ORGMASZ. Warsaw, Poland

Mayra Martínez, Ph.D.
07/2015 - 09/2017

Andres Durantini, Ph.D.
01/2013 - 07/2017
Currently: Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois, USA.

Katerina Krumova, Ph.D.
10/2012 - 08/2013
Currently: Director, Drug Delivery at Laronde Inc. Boston, USA.

Mathieu Frenette, Ph.D.
02/2012 - 06/2013
Currently: Professor, UQAM

Hsiao-Wei Liu, Ph.D.
07/2009 - 08/2012

Undergraduate Honours Thesis

Celine Prell
05/2018 - 08/2018

Mihai Mesko
05/2017 - 08/2017

Pierre Devlaminck
05/2016 - 08/2016

Zhu Tian Ding
05/2013 - 08/2013
McGill University SURA and CSACS fellowships

Ougjae Cheong
09/2012 - 04/2013

Laura Smith
05/2012 - 08/2012
NSERC-USRA Summer research

Richard Lincoln
05/2011 - 08/2011
NSERC-USRA Summer research, RISE program

Kai Lin Lau
05/2009 - 08/2009
Faculty of Science Award, CSACS program Summer research

Sayuri Friedland
05/2009 - 08/2009
NSERC-USRA Summer research

Catrina Pheeney
05/2007 - 08/2007
NSERC-USRA Summer research

Elisa Fuller
09/2006 - 04/2007

Jeffrey Quesnel
05/2005 - 04/2006

Undergraduate Students

Will Wang
05/2021 - 08/2021
PROMOTE Summer research

Sandra Simard
05/2021 - 08/2021
PROMOTE Summer research

Sam Hamroff
05/2021 - 08/2021

Will Wang
06/2020 - 09/2020

Gabriella Morin
01/2020 - 05/2020

Elias Andraos
07/2019 - 08/2019

Danielle Davies
05/2019 - 08/2019

Ryan Karimi
05/2019 - 08/2019
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Liam Payne
05/2018 - 08/2018
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Vanessa King
05/2018 - 08/2018
McGill University CQMF SURA

Shirley Dong
05/2018 - 08/2018

Chris McChesney
05/2016 - 08/2016
NSERC-USRA Summer research
NSERC-CREATE bionanomachines Summer research
RISE program

Mimi Simmons
05/2016 - 08/2016
McGill University SURA

Briony Lago
05/2015 - 08/2015
CSACS Fellowships

Anais Robert
05/2015 - 08/2015
McGill University SURA

Junan (Xavier) Lin
09/2015 - 12/2015
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Sheena Louisia
05/2015 - 08/2015
McGill University SURA

Jesse Gordon
05/2015 - 08/2015
NSERC-USRA Summer research, RISE program

Kathia Bachir
09/2014 - 12/2014

Junan (Xavier) Lin
09/2014 - 12/2014

Ruth Knox
09/2014 - 12/2014

Sheena Louisia
05/2014 - 08/2014

Joon Seung Hwang
01/2014 - 05/2014

James Reeves
05/2013 - 08/2013
NSERC-CREATE bionanomachines Summer research
RISE program

Timothy Teoh
05/2012 - 08/2012
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Genevieve Redstone
06/2011 - 08/2011

Mark MacLean
05/2010 - 08/2010
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Mien Chien Yu
05/2010 - 08/2010

Christopher Saunders
01/2010 - 04/2010
CHEM 396 program

Robert Aboukhalil
05/2009 - 03/2010
NSERC-USRA Summer research

Hollis Roth
05/2009 - 08/2009
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Lukas Bebjak
05/2008 - 08/2008
NSERC-USRA Summer research
RISE program

Kai Lin Lau
05/2008 - 08/2008
Faculty of Science Award
CSACS program Summer research

Amine Benmassaoud
05/2006 - 12/2006
NSERC-USRA Summer research

Melanie Burger
05/2006 - 08/2006
Life Sciences Program, U. Calgary

Yoshihiro Ishihara
05/2005 - 08/2005
NSERC-USRA Summer research

Jeffrey Quesnel
05/2005 - 08/2005

Research Associates

Wayne Mah
11/2007 - 04/2010


Mr. Jose Luis Fonseca
01/2021 - 10/2021
Ph.D. Student, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina

Ms. Lorianne Ginot
05/2019 - 07/2019
M.Sc. University Claude Bernard Lyon

Mr. Roger Bresolí-Obach
11/2017 - 01/2018
Ph.D. candidate, Universitat Ramon Llull

Ms. Maria Luiza de Oliveira Pereira
02/2017 - 05/2017
Ph.D. candidate, University of São Paulo

Mr. Rodrigo Ponzio
01/2017 - 04/2017
Ph.D. candidate, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Ms. Sol Martinez
09/2016 - 02/2017
Ph.D. candidate, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

Ms. Isabel Bacellar
05/2015 - 10/2016
Ph.D. candidate, Universidade do Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ms. Sol Martinez
09/2015 - 01/2016
Ph.D. candidate, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

Mr. Felipe Venegas
10/2013 - 2/2014
M.Sc. U. Andres Bello, Chile

Prof. Pierre Karam
06/2013 - 09/2013
American University of Beiruth, Lebanon

Prof. Cornelia Bohne
03/2013 - 04/2013
Univ. Victoria, Canada

Mr. Juan O. Flores-Rizo
07/2011 - 08/2011
Ph.D. candidate, Univ. Guanajuato, Mexico

Ms. Laura Hernandez
06/2011 - 07/2011
Ph.D. candidate, Univ. Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina

Prof. Rodrigo Palacios
06/2011 - 07/2011, 05/2010 - 06/2010
Univ. Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina

Dr. Hsiao-Wei Liu
09/2007 - 11/2007
National Taiwan University, Taiwan