Gonzalo Cosa
Professor in the Department of Chemistry at McGill University

Gonzalo Cosa was born in Cordoba, Argentina on September 21, 1973. He studied at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina, where he received his Licenciate in Chemistry degree in 1996. He was at the time the recipient of the Asociación Química Argentina Award. In mid 1997 Gonzalo Cosa ventured north, to Canada, to pursue a Ph.D. degree under the direction of Prof. J.C. (Tito) Scaiano at the University of Ottawa. His Ph.D. work in Physical Organic and Photochemistry involved mechanistic studies on drug photodegradation. He completed graduate studies in the winter of 2002. For his graduate studies Gonzalo Cosa was recognized with the Governor General's Gold Medal Award and was a recipient of the 2003 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Award to the Best Ph.D. Thesis in the Chemical Sciences. After graduate school Gonzalo Cosa headed south and he joined the group of Prof. Paul F. Barbara at the University of Texas at Austin. As a postdoctoral fellow in Paul Barbara's research group Gonzalo Cosa worked on Single Molecule Fluorescence Studies. He obtained the first time-resolved SM-FRET measurements on HIV-1 transactivation response (TAR) DNA hairpins and hairpin mutants complexed with HIV-1 nucleocapsid proteins (NC). In 2005 he returned to Canada where he joined the Department of Chemistry at McGill University as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2011, and to Professor in 2016. His current research centers in designing, preparing and utilizing smart fluorescent probes for cell-imaging and on applying state-of-the-art single-molecule fluorescence methodologies to study protein/DNA/lipid interactions.
1997 - 2002Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Ottawa, Canada, (Prof. J. C. (Tito) Scaiano)
1992 - 1996B.Sc. Chemistry, Univ. Nac. de Río Cuarto, Argentina, (Prof. Carlos A. Chesta)
2016 - PresentProfessor, McGill University, Canada
2011 - 2016Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada
2005 - 2011Assistant Professor, McGill University, Canada
2002 - 2004Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin, USA, (Prof. Paul F. Barbara)
1997 - 2002Graduate Student, University of Ottawa
01/1996 - 03/1996Intercampus Latin America/Spain Fellow, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
04/1995 - 03/1997Undergraduate Research Assistant, Univ. Nac. de Río Cuarto, Argentina
04/1994 - 03/1995Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Univ. Nac. de Río Cuarto, Argentina
Honorary Positions
2009 - PresentAssociate Editor for the journal "Photochemistry and Photobiology" (American Society for Photobiology)
2016 - PresentEditorial Advisory Board Member for the journal "ChemPhotoChem" (Wiley)
2012 - 2015Editorial Advisory Board Member for the journal "Langmuir" (American Chemical Society)
Honours & Awards
2017Fessenden Professorship
2015Canadian Society of Chemistry Keith Laidler Award
2014NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement, 2014 competition
2012Visiting Scholar, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
2012American Society for Photobiology New Investigator Award
2009European Society for Photobiology Young Investigator Award
2009Inter-American Photochemical Society Young Investigator Award
2009Tomlinson Science Award, Faculty of Science, McGill University
2008CNC-IUPAC (Canadian National Committee for the IUPAC) Travel Award
2005Canada Foundation for Innovation, New Opportunities Fund Award.
2003IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists awarded to the most outstanding Ph.D. Thesis in the general area of the Chemical Sciences
200339th IUPAC Congress Travel Grant for Young Chemists
2002Governor General's Gold Medal to the best Ph.D. Thesis in Sciences and Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada
200013th International Congress on Photobiology Travel Award, American Society for Photobiology
2000E.P.A. Graduate Student Symposium 2000 Travel Award, University of Ottawa, Canada
20003rd and 4th Year International Scholarship Award and Doctoral Research Scholarship Award, University of Ottawa, Canada
1999 & 2001Excellence Scholarship Award, University of Ottawa, Canada
1999 & 2001Ontario Graduate Scholarship Award, Ontario, Canada
1999 & 2001OCCI Poster Award, Ottawa-Carleton Chemistry Institute, Ottawa, Canada.
1997 & 1998International Scholarship Award and Admission Scholarship Award, Ph.D. Level, University of Ottawa, Canada
1998216th ACS National Meeting Travel Award, University of Ottawa, Canada
1997Graduate Scholarship Award, Córdoba Province Research Council, Córdoba, Argentina. Declined
1997Asociación Química Argentina (AQA) Award to the Highest Graduating G.P.A. in Chemistry at the Univ. Nac. de Río Cuarto, Argentina.
1997Univ. Nac. de Río Cuarto Award to the Second Highest Graduating G.P.A. in the class of 1996, Argentina
1996Intercampus Latin America/Spain Scholarship Award, Spanish Office for International Cooperation, Foreign Office, Spain
1995 & 1996Undergraduate Research Assistant Scholarship Award, Univ. Nac. de Río Cuarto, Argentina
NSERC CREATE Bionanomachines
Centre for Self-Assembled Chemical Structures (CSACS)
Centre en chimie verte et catalyse (CCVC)
CIHR Drug Design Training Program (DDTP)
Groupe de Recherche Axé sur la Structure des Protéines (GRASP)